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Citydle is a similar daily guessing game about cities to Wordle. Most cities are easy to guess. The majority of responses are from major cities or international capitals.
How to play the Citydle game?
Pick a city initially in Citydle. If your answer turns grey, you got the country and continent incorrect. If your guess turns orange, you know you guessed the continent correctly but the country incorrectly. If your response becomes yellow, you have selected the correct country but the incorrect city. A correct answer is one that becomes green.
Ankara is not the correct answer in this scenario because it is not located in the correct country and it is not located on the correct continent. The correct location is not in Asia
Given that the answer is orange, the continent is correct, but the country's answer remains incorrect. Therefore, the correct city can be found in North America, but it is not located in Canada.
Now the town is in the wrong, but the country has come around to their way of thinking. Following the direction will inform you where you should be looking next.
Globle is comparable to Citydle, except instead of using a static map, it displays your answer on an interactive map of the world, showing how close it is to the correct country for that day. Airportle is a variant of Wordle in which players can only
How to play
Using mouse