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Edlrow features the same limitations as Wordle, with the exception that you can play five puzzles every day as opposed to just one. The game is the inverse of Wordle, as the name suggests. You are given the correct solution at the conclusion and must utilise the color-coded letters to determine how you arrived there.
How to play the Edlrow game?
Both Wordle and Eldrow adhere to the same set of guidelines and colour scheme. This is how they are utilised in the overall gameplay: 5 puzzles a day. Find the solutions to the riddles and report back to us how you did.
The letter is not located at the very end of the word grey.
Yellow: The letter is at the correct position at the conclusion of the word, but it should be in a different position.
Green: The letter may be found in the correct location in the final word, and it is present.
Each puzzle is one of a kind since it features a different root word and a grid with many colours. The answer to this riddle is "BLIND" as it is the root word. You then hit enter after typing your prediction into the patterned grid that is located above it. Because of the way the colours are distributed on this grid, the correct response can only be one of the following options:
One green tile indicates that a correct response should have the letter "B" in the first slot, which is the same slot as "BLIND."
A yellow tile indicates that a proper response must contain one letter of "BLIND" that is not "B" in a different location from the other letters. Three black tiles indicate that the solution does not contain two letters other than "B" in "BLIND."
"BODY" is one possible solution to this problem. Other terms may also be used. There can only be one correct response. If you apply each of the aforementioned rules to "BOODY," you will discover that it satisfies each of them.
By pressing the DELETE button, you can delete your guess and try again.
How to play
Using mouse