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Sumplete is a logic-based puzzle game where the goal is to clear numbers in a grid so that each row and column adds up to a specific target number displayed on the right and bottom sides of the grid. The game can be played on the grid's right and bottom sides. The game can be played on paper, but there are also digital versions and smartphone apps available.
How to play
Choose a grid size: Choose a grid size that fits your skill level. Full grids range in size from 3x3 to 9x9.
Read the following rules: Make sure you understand the rules before you begin playing.
Start with clues: Look for the numbers already in the grid. These numbers provide clues that can help you solve the puzzle.
Follow the rules of the game: Use the rules to fill in the remaining squares of the grid. In general, Simplify involves arranging numbers so that they add up to a certain sum. For example, a 4x4 grid might ask you to fill in the squares with numbers that add up to 10.
Eliminate the possibilities: If you're having trouble figuring out which numbers to put in a particular square, try eliminating the possibilities. Look at the numbers already in the row, column, or block containing the square and see if there are any numbers that cannot be used.